Summary of NH-DoE Academic, Reading, Math Proficiencies and NWEA Projections

Academic Proficiency
There are two sources of public domain data that allow us to assess SAU39 Academic Proficiency:
New Hampshire Department of Education (NH-DOE) Provides proficiency data associated with all NH Districts, Schools, and Grades
NWEA Provides proficiency data and performance projections associated with the tens of thousands of NWEA subscriber Districts, Schools, and Grades across the US.
Following is a summary of NH-DOE Reading (ELA) and Math Proficiency data …
To better see the distribution of results, for Reading, 75% Proficient is ‘White’; for Math 60% Proficient is ‘White’, below Proficient results are shades of Red’, above Proficient results are shades of Green.
Reading (ELA) Proficiency – by Comparable SAUs / School Type
Amherst SAU Elementary and Middle School
Reading Proficiency results are significantly lower than most of their peers.
Low measured Reading Proficiency performance has been the case since the 2016_17 school year.
There is a clear Reading Proficiency issue exposed when SAU39 students move from Elementary to Middle School.
Reading (ELA) Proficiency – SAU39 by School Type and School Name
Within SAU39
Clark-Wilkins and AMS appear to have the lowest Reading Proficiency School Averages.
MVVS performance has historically been higher. (Look at performance by Grade)
Reading (ELA) Proficiency – SAU39 by Grade and School Name
MVVS Reading Proficiency results have been trending down in Grades 3 and 4 over the last two years.
MVVS Reading Proficiency results have been significantly outperforming AMS in Grades 5 and 6 over the last three years.
AMS Reading Proficiency results in Grade 8 have been particularly low over the past 5 years.
Math Proficiency – by Comparable SAUs / School Type
Amherst SAU39 Middle and High School Math Proficiency is close to the lowest performer of its peers.
Amherst Elementary School students test in the top 25% of thier peers.
There seems to be something significant negative happening when students move to the Middle School.
Math Proficiency – SAU39 by School Type and Name
Both Amherst SAU39 Elementary School (MVVS and C-W) students test in the top 25% of their peers.
Again, there seems to be something significant negative happening when students move to the Middle School.
Math Proficiency – SAU39 by Grade and School Name
Math Proficiency testing issues seem to begin at AMS 5th Grade.
Student Math instruction at SCHS has historically been unable to recover from earlier Proficiency deficits.